The longest (and shortest) year

a photo of an antique flax wheel and loom in a studio space with dim morning light coming in

I could go on and on about how much has changed in the last year, how busy Kat and I have both been with our respective businesses and home lives that kept us from the regular release schedule we once had. Like nearly anyone else, especially in creative fields, we have been readjusting our adjustments’ readjustments. Can your relate?

We started our year off strong in 2022, scheduling a total of 7 episodes to record, which ultimately ended up being 3 with the intent of rescheduling the others. Our first three episodes of season 2 were all recorded by April and then sat, waiting patiently for us to take a deep breath after a long year of figuring out how to fit it back into our lives with all of our own trial and error of what shows are still good for us (or not), new ones that showed promise (or not), and in my case determining how much of my passion lies in creating/selling versus educating.

I’m hoping to shift some of that passion for education toward the content that inspired us to name our show a “variety hour” in the first place. Short videos, animations, puppetry, and so much more. More on that in a future coffee talk.

In the meantime, look out for the first installments of the audio podcast’s second season. Our chat with Candice English of The Farmer’s Daughter Fibers releases to our patrons tomorrow, January, 13, 2023. It has been nearly a full year since we recorded it, but hearing our guests’ backstories and missions is timeless. It will go live on all platforms on January 20th with two more episodes to be released biweekly following it.


The power of AND…


stash dive & sample