Are we there yet?

Hey again - it’s been awhile. It seems like we keep having to say that. I feel like there is always a stumbling block to getting “back at it” and some form of “making it” that is not clearly defined. Along those lines, what does “making it” even look like?

After wondering this for YEARS, my conclusion (currently) is that it looks like whatever the hell I decide it does. Seriously: Your success is your own benchmark. No one else’s.

I’m gonna be totally honest here in that I still struggle with comparison stealing my joy, but I’m putting effort into stepping back and making the choice to own my feelings of envy and let them roll away.

Today, success looks like writing a little check-in here and having a brainstorming session with Emily so we can continue to “make it” in our own sustainable way.

FVH isn’t going away. We’re still here. We’re still working on content and shenanigans for upcoming episodes.

Thanks for continuing to be part of our adventure.

<3 Kat


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